Ben on the Sharks FIn with MOUnt Whitney and lone pine peak in the background

Ben Harclerode

Lead rock and alpine guide
AMGA rock guide training


Ben grew up in Flagstaff, AZ with dreams of making it big in music one day. After finding his break, riding out his 20s and traveling the world with the Knoxville based heavy metal band, Whitechapel, he felt that something was missing and that it was time for a change.

Charging head first into alpine rock climbing, mountaineering and backcountry skiing, Ben found a new direction in life, one which he immediately knew he wanted to share with others. Through guiding and outdoor leadership Ben found a sense of purpose and service in his community he didn’t know before. Now living in Reno/Tahoe, Ben loves taking people up the awe inspiring alpine peaks of the Sierra and chasing the gnar with motivated friends and clients, but his passion for guiding is ultimately rooted in education and empowerment, particularly of those just getting started in the mountains.

Ben’s guiding experience is throughout his home ranges of the Sierra and Tahoe. His personal climbing and skiing resume spans from climbing in Patagonia, skiing volcanoes in Ecuador, climbing and skiing all over the Sierra and Cascades and some time in the Alaska Range on Denali. 


  • AMGA Rock Guide Course

  • AMGA Apprentice Alpine Guide (Course in June)

  • AAI Pro 1 avalanche course (in march)

  • AIARE Rescue

  • AIARE 1

  • AIARE 2

  • Wilderness First Responder

  • Leave No Trace Traine