MIles slaying the deep powder

Miles Britton

Lead ski, rock and alpine guide
AMGA rock, alpine and ski training


Miles grew up along the northern California coast, where he was first introduced to hiking, backpacking, and rock climbing as a child. As a teenager he began the pattern of spending weeks of the year overnighting in a tent, with these early forays starting him along his path. With great friends, soon weekends were spent pursuing rock climbing and backcountry skiing in the Sierra.

A graduate of the University of California, Davis, Miles began instructing backpacking and rock climbing skills to fellow students. Upon graduation, he began as an intern for a respected guide service in the Pacific Northwest. Prior to returning home to California, Miles lived in Bend, OR where he began his guiding career on the volcanoes and crags of the PNW. Adding in a few years of ski patrol experience, Miles has now turned to mountain guiding year round. With extensive personal climbing and skiing experience in California, the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, the Canadian Rockies, and the Southwest, Miles is at home in the mountains.

Miles most enjoys working with people, where the mountains connect us as we pursue challenge and opportunity. He makes his home in Mammoth Lakes, and is pursuing full IFMGA certification. He is proud to be a cancer survivor, and knows of some of the ways that life can surprise you.


  • AMGA Ski Guide Course

  • AMGA Alpine Guide Course

  • AMGA Rock Guide Course

  • Pro 1 Avalanche Course

  • WFR

  • BA, University of California- Davis